Quotes of the Day

The secrete to staying healthy: learn and practice Taiji
The philosophy of practice: spare an hour for yourself on Taiji, then your can spend the rest of your day for you career, your family...
The objective in practice: use your mind and not force, stay vertical and relax

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome Professor Yek Sing Ong to Kuching on 10-11/10/09

We would like to welcome Professor Yek Sing Ong to Kuching on 10-11/10/09. Professor Yek will conduct Seminar to SOTC students and Public Seminar to the public. Interested group or individual are advise to contact the Secretariat for inquiry and registration.

The Secretariat:
Sarawak Tai Chi Chuan and Nai Wai Dan Gong Association
email: taijidangong@gmail.com.my

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