Quotes of the Day

The secrete to staying healthy: learn and practice Taiji
The philosophy of practice: spare an hour for yourself on Taiji, then your can spend the rest of your day for you career, your family...
The objective in practice: use your mind and not force, stay vertical and relax

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome Allister Young Loushi to Kuching on 1/9-2/9/09

We would like to welcome SOTC instructor Allister Young of Auckland, NZ to Kuching on 1/9-2/9/09.

Allister is scheduled to come by the Training Center at Nanas Road on 1/9/09 at 7:30pm to take part in the training. SOTC students are encouraged to attend. Allister will join the training at the Training Center at Ang Cheng Ho on 2/9/09 at 6:30pm. Group photo will be taken after the training. SOTC students are expected at the photo session.

"Allister started learning qigong with Professor Yek in 1994, and joined the first Sing Ong Tai Chi class in Auckland in 1995. Before starting Sing Ong Tai Chi, Allister had studied taekwondo, some other styles of wushu and kungfu, and a few other forms of tai chi. His interests include tramping, photography, cooking, travel, study, tai chi, movies, music, socialising, eating, pottery, Shang dynasty bronze, art and having a good time. Allister says, "I have been teaching taichi for a short while. To teach someone is to learn from them. In teaching, I feel it is my responsibility that I accurately pass on the knowledge I have gained, so the next generation of students do not get a diluted version." source: http://taiji-dangong.blogspot.com/.

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