Quotes of the Day

The secrete to staying healthy: learn and practice Taiji
The philosophy of practice: spare an hour for yourself on Taiji, then your can spend the rest of your day for you career, your family...
The objective in practice: use your mind and not force, stay vertical and relax

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Taiji Class at Sians Jalan Uplands

Title : Taiji for Health
Date : 24/07/2009
Submitted By :
Description :
The taiji students will learn the first 4 modules of the Sing Ong Taiji moves for the duration of the 6 months program. Details of the proposed program is as follow:

Start Date: 4th August 2009
Duration: 6 months
Days of Week: Tuesday and Friday (Other than Public Holidays)

Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm
Syllabus: 4 modules (La-Jing, Song Sheng, Standard Taiji Style Module 1 and Module 2)

Fees: RM30-00 per month or RM160-00 in 1 payment for the whole program

Uniform cost: RM80-00
Students who miss certain classes can make arrangements to attend other classes with the instructor. Other classes are held at the following training centers:

1. 49, 1st Floor, Lot 113, Lorong 5, Jalan Datuk Abdul Rahim, 93450 Kuching, (Behind Hock Lee Center)
2. No 66, Jalan Nanas Barat, Taman Sin Lian Hin, 93400 Kuching

If you are interested and need further details, kindly contact Mr Allen Liew (telephone number 082-426733 or email allen@sains.com.my

For registration, contact Ms Emily Yap (telephone number, 082-444199 or email emilyyll@sains.com)

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